When I open a PNG file in Emacs, I can navigate it using C-n, C-p, C-f and C-b, but how can I zoom in and out? I couldn't find anything here.
Ideally I would like to bind + and - to zoom in and out. Any pointers on this swould be great.
I introduce image+
Usage from elisp file:
;;; Usage:
;; * To manupulate a image under cursor.
;; M-x imagex-global-sticky-mode
;; * C-c + / C-c -: Zoom in/out image.
;; * C-c M-m: Adjust image to current frame size.
;; * C-c C-x C-s: Save current image.
;; * Adjusted image when open image file.
;; M-x imagex-auto-adjust-mode