My question is self explanatory: how to center the text of a JSpinner? the methode setHorizontalAligment is not there. I also tried setAlignmentX, still nothing... Any help would be appreciated c:
is a container of other components, one of which is a the editor.
JSpinner spinner = ...;
JComponent editor = spinner.getEditor();
But that doesn't help us, as setHorizontalAligment
isn't a method of JComponent
You can then inspect the editor
type of component it is...
if (editor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) {
If it's a JSpinner.DefaultEditor
, you can cast it and use setHorizontalAlignment
JSpinner.DefaultEditor spinnerEditor = (JSpinner.DefaultEditor)editor;
Potentionally you may also need to check for JTextField
as well, but if you're using the default editor models, it would normally return JSpinner.DefaultEditor