
BizTalk - WCF-Custom binding to use for SOAP 1.2 with basic authentication

I have a web service to consume in BizTalk which exposes both SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 endpoints and is secured with Basic Http Authentication.

I'm using the WCF-Custom adapter and trying to use SOAP 1.2.

This comparison table shows that I cannot have the combination of basic Http authentication AND SOAP 1.2 and I'll have to use 1.1 and basicHttpBinding

Will any of the other WS-* bindings allow me to do what I want? I would prefer to use SOAP 1.2 because it will, presumably*, be around longer than 1.1.

*may be misguided?


  • Yes, I believe you are misguided.

    What that table and article is saying is that the WCF protocal wants to send the credentials securely either by having a secure transport or encrypting the message payload.

    You can use basic authentication with WCF-Custom and Basic Authentication. Set the Binding type to wsHttpBinding, under WSHttpBidingElement, Security, Transport, set the clientCredentialType to Basic.