I have some segment of code I want to profile on many different inputs (~1000) so it doesn't make sense to manually run each test and save the results. I'm using yourkit in combination with Eclipse to profile. Is there any way to create "new sessions" for profiling? I want to be able to separate each run so that would make the most sense.
You don't really need to create "sessions" for each test. Instead, you have to capture a snapshot of the profiling data at the end of each test, and clear the profiling data before running the next test.
Using the yourkit API, you can do so in a manner similar to:
public void profile(String host, int port, List<InputData> inputDataSet) {
Map<InputData, String> pathMap = new HashMap<InputData, String>(); //If you want to save the location of each file
//Init profiling data collection
com.yourkit.api.Controller controller = new Controller(host, port);
controller.startCPUSampling(/*with your settings*/);
controller.startAllocationRecording(/*With your settings*/);
//controller.startXXX with whatever data you want to collect
for (InputData input: inputDataSet) {
//Run your test
//Save profiling data
String path = controller.captureSnapshot(/*With or without memory dump*/);
pathMap.put(input, path);
//Clear yourkit profiling data
//controller.clearXXX with whatever data you are collecting
I don't think you need to stop collecting, capture snapshot, clear data, restart collecting, you can just capture and clear data, but please double-check. Once the tests are run, you can open the snapshots in yourkit and analyze the profiling data.