
Struts 2 & jQuery grid, Retrieve the Grid Rows

I am using jQuery and jQuery Grid 3.5.1 plugin in my Struts 2.1.8

I want to retrieve the multiselected rows on <sj:submit> button. I used onClickTopics for submit button.The jQuery code for retrieving grid rows is as:

var s;
alert('selected rows:'+s);

the alert dialog always displays null. The grid is working fine.

The submit button is as:

<sj:submit value="Rows" onClickTopics="getrows" button="true"/>

when I checked in firebug, on clicking the submit button it pops 1 error

TypeError: c is undefined in file : struts2/jquery.struts2.min.js?s2j=3.5.1

What is this error and why it is not working?

     caption="Csv Files Pending"
    dataType="json" href="%{remoteurl}"
    multiselect="true" multiboxonly="true"
    <sjg:gridColumn name="csv_filename" title="File" width="400"></sjg:gridColumn>
    <sjg:gridColumn name="month" title="Month" width="100"></sjg:gridColumn>
    <sjg:gridColumn name="year" title="Year" width="100"></sjg:gridColumn>
    <sjg:gridColumn name="upload_status" title="Upload Status" width="150" ></sjg:gridColumn>


  • There is nothing wrong with your jsp code.

    1. You have to put your <sg:grid> and <sj:submit> tag inside the <s:form> tag and
    2. give an id to your form tag

    Like below:

    <s:form id="try">
    <sj:submit id="grid_multi_getselectedbutton" value="Get Selected Rows" onClickTopics="getselectedids" button="true"/>

    It will definitely work.