
How to handle .NET Localizations

I have an .NET application with satellite assemblies containing resource to be localized, but I want to leave the localization work to the customer, could I sign my application with strong-name and then deliver the application binary to the customer and let they do the localization job on their own? what else do i need to do? thanks a lot.


  • First question would be why you want to leave this up to your customers. If you wish to use the built-in .NET localization capabilities, that requires generation of a .resources file, linking that file into a satellite assembly, and placement into either the GAC or a proper relative child path to the executable. Thats really a developer thing...not exactly a customer thing.

    That said, there is no reason you couldn't provide your customers with a tool that would do all that for them, and simply require that they fill in the proper language-specific data for each of your resources. It should be easy enough to write a tool that provides a simple editor for resources (you might even be able to re-host the Visual Studio resource editor), and some options to pick a language code and build, sign (if necessary), and deploy.

    The following MSDN documentation area might be helpful. Resources in Applications, Creating Resource Files