
gulp minify-css strips out comments in scss files

I am trying to be a good boy and minify my css with gulp. I am currently using gulp-sass (not gulp-ruby-sass) and it does not seem to have inbuilt minifying. So now I am using gulp-minify-css to pipe some minifying into my compiling. The problem is that it now strips out all of my comments. both /*comment*/ and //comment. This is not ideal, as i need the initial comment to setup my wordpress theme.

So I looked in the documentation (, and it looks like there is an option for this called keepSpecialComments.

So I have tried the following in my gulpfile:

.pipe(minifycss({keepSpecialComments: '*'}))


.pipe(minifycss({keepSpecialComments: *}))

The first one still strips out the comments. the second one reports an error. So I think i might get the formatting wrong?

can anyone help me here?



  • The second example you have there has the asterisk * sitting out in the open — it's not a string. That's why it reports an error.

    The docs state that the default setting is to save all special comments. If you click through to clean-css, you will see that special comments refers to comments that have an exclamation mark (!) to note that they are important. Try changing your comment to look like this, and I bet it will retain it without any configuration at all.

    put your settings here

    If Wordpress is incapable of working with the special comment, for some reason, then you can use gulp-replace to correct the comment before saving it, like this:

    var replace = require('gulp-replace');
    // ... sass, compress-css, etc ...
    .pipe(replace('/*!', '/*'))
    // ... gulp.dest, etc ...

    This will remove the exclamation mark from the comment. I wouldn't bother doing this unless Wordpress fails.