
Assertion Error while implementing SIFT algorithm :opencv

I am using opencv 2.4.8 and studio 2013, n i am getting a run time error.my main code is this..

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout << "hello";
    Mat image = imread("abc.jpg",0);
    cout << image.channels() << endl;
    SIFT controller(image);


and my header file code is as below



using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

class SIFT{

    Mat image_orig;
    Mat Scale_spaces[4][6];
    Mat LOG_img[4][4];
    Mat Extrema[4][2];
    Mat image_temp;
    Mat middle, up, down;

    void BuildScaleSpace()

        cout << "in build space" <<endl;
        int i, j;
            //image should be in grey scale
        cout << endl<<image_temp.rows << image_temp.cols << endl;
            GaussianBlur(image_temp, image_temp, cv::Size(5, 5), 0.5);
            resize(image_temp, image_temp, Size(image_temp.cols * 2, image_temp.rows * 2), 0, 0, 1);
            cout << image_temp.rows << image_temp.cols << endl;
            Scale_spaces[0][0] =image_temp;
            cout << endl << image_temp.rows << image_temp.cols << endl;
            GaussianBlur(Scale_spaces[0][0], Scale_spaces[0][0], cv::Size(5, 5), 1);
            double int_sigma = sqrt(2) / 2;
            double sigma = int_sigma;;
            double mid;
            double power = 1.0;
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                if (i>0)
                    sigma = mid;
                    Scale_spaces[i][0] = image_temp;
                    resize(image_temp, Scale_spaces[i][0], Size(image_temp.cols / power, image_temp.rows / power), 0, 0, 1);
                    cout << endl << "after resizing" << Scale_spaces[i][0].rows << Scale_spaces[i][0].cols << endl;

                for (j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
                    if (j == 2)
                        mid = sigma;
            //      printf(" %f  ", sigma);
                            GaussianBlur(Scale_spaces[i][j-1], Scale_spaces[i][j], cv::Size(5, 5), sigma);
                    sigma = sigma*sqrt(2);

        //      printf("\n");
                power = power * 2;


    void ShowScaleSpace()
        cout << "\n show scale\n\n";
        namedWindow("image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                cout << i<<"   "<<j<<endl;
                cout << Scale_spaces[i][j].rows<<"  " << Scale_spaces[i][j].cols << endl;
                imshow("image", Scale_spaces[i][j]);


    void FindLOG()
        cout << endl << "IN LOG  " << endl;
        int i;
        int j;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            for (j = 1; j < 5; j++)
                addWeighted(Scale_spaces[i][j], 1, Scale_spaces[i][j + 1], -1,0, LOG_img[i][j - 1]);


    void FindMaxMin()

        cout << endl << "IN findmaxmin  " << endl;
        int i;
        int j;
        int xiter, yiter;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            for (j = 1; j < 3; j++)

                std::cout << LOG_img[i][j].channels();
                middle = LOG_img[i][j].clone();
                up = LOG_img[i][j - 1].clone();
                down = LOG_img[i][j + 1].clone();

                for (yiter = 1; yiter < middle.rows-1; yiter++)
                    for (xiter = 1; xiter < middle.cols-1; xiter++)
                        cout << i << "  " << j << "  " << yiter << "  " << xiter<< "  "<<endl;
                        double currentPixel = middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter);
                        cout << "1 ";
                        // Check for a maximum
                        if (cout << "helllo 2hhukjhgkj"&&currentPixel> middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel> middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel > middle.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > middle.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel > middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > middle.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > middle.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > middle.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter - 1) &&

                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > up.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter - 1) &&

                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel > down.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter - 1)
                            cout << "inside, updating extrema  ";
                            Extrema[i][j - 1].at<uchar>(xiter, yiter) = 255;

                        else if (currentPixel< middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel< middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel < middle.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < middle.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel < middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < middle.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < middle.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < middle.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter - 1) &&

                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < up.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter - 1) &&

                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter + 1, xiter - 1) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter + 1) &&
                            currentPixel < down.at<uchar>(yiter - 1, xiter - 1)
                            Extrema[i][j - 1].at<uchar>(xiter, yiter) = 255;

                            Extrema[i][j - 1].at<uchar>(xiter, yiter) = 0;


    SIFT(Mat Image)
        image_orig = Image;
        image_temp = Image;


    void DoSIFT()




the build is successful but, at the run time it is showing the following error.

enter image description here

the error might be in the FindMaxMin() function and in this line

  currentPixel> middle.at<uchar>(yiter, xiter + 1)

But I am not able to rectify it.


  • Sorry, @user2396315, I didn't visit here constantly.

    The problem is You didn't initial "Extrema", with Mat::create() with correct size and type. You only declared it "Mat Extrema[4][2];"

    So after the if else...

    Extrema[i][j - 1].at<uchar>(xiter, yiter) = ??? ;

    will access an empty Mat "Extrema[i][j - 1]".

    You may put

    if( Extrema[i][j - 1].empty() == true )
       cerr << "Fatal error" << endl ;

    before it and you will see.

    Always check your Mat by Mat::empty() before you use it. That is what I meant "Check the size" at this post. I didn't mean to check the size of arrays.

    Remember, "Assertion failed" usually means you have passed an empty Mat or Mat with incorrect size as expectation.