
What's win32con module in python? Where can I find it?

I'm building an open source project that uses python and c++ in Windows. I came to the following error message:

 ImportError: No module named win32con 

The same happened in a "prebuilt" code that it's working ( except in my computer :P )

I think this is kind of "popular" module in python because I've saw several messages in other forums but none that could help me.

I have Python2.6, should I have that module already installed? Is that something of VC++?

I got this url but I'm not sure what to do with the executable :S


  • This module contains constants related to Win32 programming. It is not part of the Python 2.6 release, but should be part of the download of the pywin32 project.

    I imagine that the executable is an installation program, though the last time I downloaded pywin32 it was just a zip file.