
Why doesn't Prolog find a solution for 'Fox, goose and bag of beans puzzle' and shows 'true' instead?

I wanted to solve the "Fox, goose and bag of beans puzzle" with Prolog as an exercise.

So I wrote

valid((Man, Goose, Fox, Beans)) :- p(Man),p(Goose),p(Fox),p(Beans), Man == Goose.
valid((Man, Goose, Fox, Beans)) :- p(Man),p(Goose),p(Fox),p(Beans), Man == Beans, Goose \= Fox.
valid((Man, Goose, Fox, Beans)) :- p(Man),p(Goose),p(Fox),p(Beans), Man == Fox, Goose \= Beans.

step((Man1, Goose, Fox, Beans), "Man", (Man2, Goose, Fox, Beans)) :- 
    valid((Man1, Goose, Fox, Beans)), valid((Man2, Goose, Fox, Beans)),
    Man1 \= Man2.

step((Man1, Goose1, Fox, Beans), "Goose", (Man2, Goose2, Fox, Beans)) :- 
    valid((Man1, Goose1, Fox, Beans)), valid((Man2, Goose2, Fox, Beans)),
    Man1 \= Man2, Goose1 \= Goose2.

step((Man1, Goose, Fox1, Beans), "Fox", (Man2, Goose, Fox2, Beans)) :- 
    valid((Man1, Goose, Fox1, Beans)), valid((Man2, Goose, Fox2, Beans)),
    Man1 \= Man2, Fox1 \= Fox2.

step((Man1, Goose, Fox, Beans1), "Beans", (Man2, Goose, Fox, Beans1)) :- 
    valid((Man1, Goose, Fox, Beans1)), valid((Man2, Goose, Fox, Beans2)),
    Man1 \= Man2, Beans1 \= Beans2.

reachable(S, _,[], S).
reachable(S, Visited, [Step|Steps], Z) :- 
    step(S,Step,Tmp),valid(Tmp), not(member(Tmp,Visited)),
    reachable(Tmp, [Tmp|Visited], Steps, Z).


solve(Steps) :- start(S), goal(Z), reachable(S, [], Steps, Z).


I thought with solve(X). I would get a sequence of valid steps. But instead, I get

?- solve(X).

Why don't I get a list of steps that go from start to goal?

Code explained

valid checks for a 4-tuple, where the first element is the position of "Man", the second is the position of "Goose", the third is the position of "Beans" if nobody gets eaten.

step(Situation1, Description, Situation2) makes a step from a valid situaiton to another valid situation.

reachable(Start, SituationList, Steps, Goal) checks if the situation Goal can be reached from the situation Goal while every situation in SituationList gets visited exactly once and Steps is a description what steps were taken in which order.


  • The primary issue causing the failure is a typo:

    step((Man1, Goose, Fox, Beans1), "Beans", (Man2, Goose, Fox, Beans1)) :- 

    Should be:

    step((Man1, Goose, Fox, Beans1), 'Beans', (Man2, Goose, Fox, Beans2)) :- 

    This will generate correct solutions. There are a few other clean up points:

    Beyond that, the solve/1 still produces many duplicate results, but they are all correct and all the correct solutions are discovered.