
TYPO3 Fluidcontent: How to use FAL inside an object

I'm trying to build a custom Content Element with Flux. It should consist of a repeatable container with a header, a description text, an image and a PDF to download.

When using f:flux.inline.fal I don't manage to get more than one image working.

Here's my code:

<flux:form.section name="formeln">
    <flux:form.object name="formel">
        <flux:field.input name="number" label="Produktnummer"/>
        <flux:field.input name="description" label="Beschreibung"/>
        <flux:field.file name="pdf" label="PDF" allowed="pdf"/>
        <flux:field.inline.fal name="image" label="Bild" multiple="TRUE" maxItems="1" collapseAll="TRUE"  />

Is there a limitation when using FAL?


  • Its currently not possible to use flux:field.inline.fal inside objects. See https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/flux/issues/478