I'm new to PlayN, now I'm trying to draw an image. Seems that examples on the official page (https://developers.google.com/playn/devguide/rendering) were not updated for a long time, they simply don't work with the latest version of PlayN.
I have global CanvasImage circle and SurfaceLayer surf. In my init() I have this code:
Graphics g = PlayN.graphics();
surf = g.createSurfaceLayer(g.width(), g.height());
And this in paint():
surf.surface().drawImage(circle, 0, 0);
The compiler warns that createSurfaceLayer() method is deprecated and offers to use createSurface() and createImageLayer() methods instead. How do I use it correctly?
I just changed SurfaceLayer surf to ImageLayer imglay, removed all the code from paint() and replaced code in init() to this:
imglay = g.createImageLayer();
It works, but is it how it should be done?