I need to delay the continue
statement of a loop I am running by a certain number of microseconds. However, I want the rest of the loop to run, and then I just want it to stop running and continue
when the time is up, even if some things in the loop are left undone. I know this code does not work, but this is what I am envisioning:
for ($_x = 0; $_x < 10; $_x++){
usleep (1000){
// ... do other stuff here until timer is up
// when the timer runs out, continue to the next iteration
Thanks in advance.
here's what you want. i've converted to to sleep 1 instead of usleep to prove it works, but if you switch it back it accomplishes what you want. you're welcome.
function microtime_float()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
for ($_x = 1; $_x < 11; $_x++) {
$_m = microtime_float();
$_v = sleep(1);
$_n = microtime_float();
//script here
echo "<hr></br>".$_m."</br>".$_n ."</br>" .$_x;
the output
1396497686.9354 1396497687.9356 1
1396497687.9357 1396497688.9363 2
1396497688.9364 1396497689.937 3
1396497689.9371 1396497690.9381 4
1396497690.9381 1396497691.9392 5
1396497691.9393 1396497692.9398 6
1396497692.9399 1396497693.9406 7
1396497693.9406 1396497694.9415 8
1396497694.9415 1396497695.9424 9
1396497695.9424 1396497696.9427 10