I'm building a web application with SAPUI5 which makes available a list of services, that are stored in a MongoDB and available as OData. I followed this guide jaydata-install-your-own-odata-server-with-nodejs-and-mongodb and these are my model.js:
$data.Class.define("marketplace.Service", $data.Entity, null, {
Id: {type: "id", key: true, computed: true, nullable: false},
Name: {type: "string", nullable: false, maxLength: 50},
}, null);
$data.Class.defineEx("marketplace.Context", [$data.EntityContext, $data.ServiceBase], null, {
Services: {type: $data.EntitySet, elementType: marketplace.Service}
exports = marketplace.Context;
and server.js:
var c = require('express');
window.DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser;
var app = c();
app.configure(function() {app.use(app.router);});
app.use(c.session({secret: 'session key'}));
app.use("/marketplace", $data.JayService.OData.Utils.simpleBodyReader());
app.use("/marketplace", $data.JayService.createAdapter(marketplace.Context, function (req, res) {
return new marketplace.Context({
name: "mongoDB",
databaseName: "marketplace",
address: "localhost",
port: 27017
app.use("/", c.static(__dirname));
The client is developed by using SAPUI5 and these are the parts of the code relative to the odata model creation:
oModel = sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("http://localhost:8080/marketplace", false); // connection to the odata endpoint
The various services are correctly showed in a SAPUI5 table and I'm easily able to insert a new service by using the POST OData.request in this way:
requestUri: "http://localhost:8080/marketplace/Services",
method: "POST",
data: newEntry // json object with the new entry
function(insertedItem) {
// success notifier
function(err) {
// error notifier
and delete a service by using the SAPUI5 function oModel.remove() in this way (oParams is a json object which contains the alert notification functions):
var serviceId = oTable.getRows()[selectedIndex].getCells()[0].getText();
oModel.remove("/Services('" + serviceId + "')", oParams);
Everything works fine but the update request for a single service. I've tried with the functions provided by SAPUI5 (oModel.update or oModel.submitChanges), by using OData.request ("method: PUT"), by creating an ajax PUT request, I also tried to craft PUT request with Fiddler. I always get error 404:
Request URL:http://localhost:8080/marketplace/Services('NTMzZDM3M2JlNjY2YjY3ODIwZjlmOTQ0')
Request Method:PUT
Status Code:404 Not Found
Where can be the problem? I tried with Chrome, IE, and Firefox; same problem... Thanks
Try to update with MERGE verb and pass the modified fields in JSON format inside the BODY