
Deriving default instances using GHC.Generics

I have a typeclass Cyclic for which I would like to be able to provide generic instances.

class Cyclic g where
    gen :: g
    rot :: g -> g
    ord :: g -> Int

Given a sum type of nullary constructors,

data T3 = A | B | C deriving (Generic, Show)

I want to generate an instance equivalent to this:

instance Cyclic T3 where
    gen   = A
    rot A = B
    rot B = C
    rot C = A
    ord _ = 3

I've tried to work out the required Generic machinery like so

{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}

import GHC.Generics

class GCyclic f where
    ggen :: f a
    grot :: f a -> f a
    gord :: f a -> Int

instance GCyclic U1 where
    ggen   = U1
    grot _ = U1
    gord _ = 1

instance Cyclic c => GCyclic (K1 i c) where
    ggen = K1 gen
    grot (K1 a) = K1 (rot a)
    gord (K1 a) = ord a

instance GCyclic f => GCyclic (M1 i c f) where
    ggen = M1 ggen
    grot (M1 a) = M1 (grot a)
    gord (M1 a) = gord a    

instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :*: g) where
    ggen = ggen :*: ggen
    grot (a :*: b) = grot a :*: grot b
    gord (a :*: b) = gord a `lcm` gord b

instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :+: g) where
    ggen = L1 ggen
    -- grot is incorrect
    grot (L1 a) = L1 (grot a) 
    grot (R1 b) = R1 (grot b)
    gord _ = gord (undefined :: f a)
           + gord (undefined :: g b)

Now I can provide default implementations for Cyclic using GCyclic:

class Cyclic g where
    gen :: g
    rot :: g -> g
    ord :: g -> Int

    default gen :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g
    gen = to ggen

    default rot :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> g
    rot = to . grot . from

    default ord :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> Int
    ord = gord . from

but my GCyclic instances are incorrect. Using T3 from above

λ. map rot [A, B, C] -- == [B, C, A]
[A, B, C]

It's clear why rot is equivalent to id here. grot recurses down the (:+:) structure of T3 until it hits the base case grot U1 = U1.

It was suggested on #haskell to make use of constructor information from M1 so grot can choose the next constructor to recurse on, but I'm not sure how to do this.

Is it possible to generate the desired instances of Cyclic using GHC.Generics or some other form of Scrap Your Boilerplate?

EDIT: I could write Cyclic using Bounded and Enum

class Cyclic g where
    gen :: g
    rot :: g -> g
    ord :: g -> Int

    default gen :: Bounded g => g
    gen = minBound

    default rot :: (Bounded g, Enum g, Eq g) => g -> g
    rot g | g == maxBound = minBound
          | otherwise     = succ g

    default ord :: (Bounded g, Enum g) => g -> Int
    ord g = 1 + fromEnum (maxBound `asTypeOf` g)

but (as is) this is unsatisfying, as it requires all of Bounded, Enum and Eq. Additionally, Enum cannot be automatically derived by GHC in some cases whereas the more robust Generic can.


  • Edited after rereading what ord is supposed to mean, and again to try to address the product of two cycles problem

    You can figure out when to go to the other side of a sum of constructors if you can tell that whats inside is already at the last constructor, which is what the new end and gend functions do. I can't imagine a cyclic group for which we can't define end.

    You can implement gord for sums without even examining the values; the ScopedTypeVariables extension helps with this. I've changed the signatues to use proxies, since you're now mixing undefined and trying to deconstruct a value in your code.

    import Data.Proxy

    Here's the Cyclic class with end, defaults, and Integral n (instead of assuming Int) for ord

    class Cyclic g where
        gen :: g
        rot :: g -> g
        end :: g -> Bool
        ord :: Integral n => Proxy g -> n
        default gen :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g
        gen = to ggen
        default rot :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> g
        rot = to . grot . from
        default end :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> Bool
        end = gend . from
        default ord :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g), Integral n) => Proxy g -> n
        ord = gord . fmap from

    And the GCyclic class and its implementations:

    class GCyclic f where
        ggen :: f a
        gend :: f a -> Bool
        grot :: f a -> f a
        gord :: Integral n => Proxy (f ()) -> n
    instance GCyclic U1 where
        ggen   = U1
        grot _ = U1
        gend _ = True
        gord _ = 1
    instance Cyclic c => GCyclic (K1 i c) where
        ggen        = K1 gen
        grot (K1 a) = K1 (rot a)
        gend (K1 a) = end a
        gord  _     = ord (Proxy :: Proxy c)
    instance GCyclic f => GCyclic (M1 i c f) where
        ggen        = M1    ggen
        grot (M1 a) = M1   (grot a)
        gend (M1 a) = gend  a
        gord  _     = gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ()))

    I can't stress enough that the following is making an equivalence class over multiple cyclic subgroups of the product of the two cycles. Due to the need to detect ends for sums, and the face that the computations for lcm and gcm aren't lazy, we can no longer do fun stuff like derive a cyclic instance for [a].

    -- The product of two cyclic groups is a cyclic group iff their orders are coprime, so this shouldn't really work
    instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :*: g) where
        ggen           = ggen                          :*:  ggen
        grot (a :*: b) = grot  a                       :*:  grot  b
        gend (a :*: b) = gend  a                       &&   (any gend . take (gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ())) `gcd` gord (Proxy :: Proxy (g ()))) . iterate grot) b
        gord  _        = gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ())) `lcm` gord (Proxy :: Proxy (g ()))
    instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :+: g) where
        ggen        = L1 ggen
        grot (L1 a) = if gend a
                      then R1 (ggen)
                      else L1 (grot a)
        grot (R1 b) = if gend b
                      then L1 (ggen)
                      else R1 (grot b)
        gend (L1 _) = False
        gend (R1 b) = gend b
        gord  _     = gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ())) + gord (Proxy :: Proxy (g ()))

    Here are some more example instances:

    -- Perfectly fine instances
    instance Cyclic ()
    instance Cyclic Bool
    instance (Cyclic a, Cyclic b) => Cyclic (Either a b)
    -- Not actually possible (the product of two arbitrary cycles is a cyclic group iff they are coprime)
    instance (Cyclic a, Cyclic b) => Cyclic (a, b)
    -- Doesn't have a finite order, doesn't seem to be a prime transfinite number.
    -- instance (Cyclic a) => Cyclic [a]

    And some example code to run:

    typeOf :: a -> Proxy a
    typeOf _ = Proxy
    generate :: (Cyclic g) => Proxy g -> [g]
    generate _ = go gen
            go g = if end g
                   then [g]
                   else g : go (rot g)
    main = do
        print . generate . typeOf $ A
        print . map rot . generate . typeOf $ A
        putStrLn []
        print . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either T3 Bool))
        print . map rot . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either T3 Bool))
        putStrLn []
        print . generate . typeOf $ (A, False)
        print . map rot . generate . typeOf $ (A, False)
        putStrLn []
        print . generate . typeOf $ (False, False)
        print . map rot . generate . typeOf $ (False, False)
        print . take 4 . iterate rot $ (False, True)
        putStrLn []
        print . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either () (Bool, Bool)))
        print . map rot . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either () (Bool, Bool)))
        print . take 8 . iterate rot $ (Right (False,True) :: Either () (Bool, Bool))
        putStrLn []

    The fourth and fifth examples show off what's happening when we make an instance for the product of two cyclic groups whose orders are not coprime.