Just playing around with different functions, trying to learn as much abut them as I can before I move forward with my self study. Could someone please explain what's going on below? (Please ignore that the query isn't prepared or at all secure)
$query = "SELECT userid FROM users_groups_memberships WHERE groupid='".$GroupID."'";
$result = $mysqli->query($relationshipQuery);
while($row = $relationshipResult->fetch_row()) {
$existingMembers[] = $row;
$memberString = implode(', ', $existingMembers);
echo $memberString;
I'm expecting a comma separated list of numbers like 1, 4, 6, 88, 100
but I'm actually getting Array, Array, Array, Array, Array
I know this is dead simple because I've had array
returned before and I remember it was because I was doing something stupiud, I just don't remember what!
I'm actually trying to see if another variables value is present in $existingMembers
using in_array
but I get 0 always, probably because the values are array
there too.
is an array of the columns returned from the query.
will show what your adding.
while($row = $relationshipResult->fetch_row()) {
$existingMembers[]=$row['userid'];//Or $row[0] depending on the format of $row