
How to customize the "chips" auto-suggesting mechanism, as used on Gmail's recipients field?


I've searched for a way to have a similar look & feel to the Gmail receipients field, which allows auto-filling of items in a really cool way:

enter image description here

The class that is built into the Android framework and is responsible for this is called "MultiAutoCompleteTextView" .

The problem

the MultiAutoCompleteTextView is quite basic, yet it doesn't hold enough samples, tutorials and libraries to get to know how to customize it like on Gmail and the likes.

I would like to know how to customize it to handle any kind of data, and that I will have full control over it (for example adding, deleting and getting the items that it has auto-completed).

What I've tried

I've found the next possible ways to achieve it:

  1. use a third library like splitwise-TokenAutoComplete. the downside: it's very buggy and doesn't work well on some devices.
  2. create my own way (as shown here). the downside: will take a long time and I will probably need to handle the same problems as of the library.
  3. use the code of Google (found here). The downside: it's really not customizable.

I've decided to use #3 (Google's chips library).

Currently the code for getting the list of contacts used on Google's library:

public List<RecipientEntry> doQuery() {
    final Cursor cursor = mContentResolver.query(mQuery.getContentUri(), mQuery.getProjection(), null, null, null);
    final LinkedHashMap<Long, List<RecipientEntry>> entryMap = new LinkedHashMap<Long, List<RecipientEntry>>();
    final List<RecipientEntry> nonAggregatedEntries = new ArrayList<RecipientEntry>();
    final Set<String> existingDestinations = new HashSet<String>();
    while (cursor.moveToNext())
        putOneEntry(new TemporaryEntry(cursor, false /* isGalContact */), true, entryMap, nonAggregatedEntries,
    final List<RecipientEntry> entries = new ArrayList<RecipientEntry>();
        for (final Map.Entry<Long, List<RecipientEntry>> mapEntry : entryMap.entrySet()) {
            final List<RecipientEntry> entryList = mapEntry.getValue();
            for (final RecipientEntry recipientEntry : entryList)
        for (final RecipientEntry entry : nonAggregatedEntries)
    return entries;

It works fine, but I'm having difficulties adding items and deleting them.

I think that getting the items is used by calling "getContactIds" , but about modifying the items within the chips, that's very problematic to find.

For example, I've tried to add a similar function to "submitItemAtPosition" , which seems to add a new entity found from the adapter. It does add, but the display-name of the contact isn't shown on the chip itself.

The question

After a lot of thoughts, I decided to use Google's code.

Sadly, as I've written, the view and its classes are very tight to the usage of it.

  1. How can I de-couple the view and make it much more customizable? How can I make it use any type of data instead of just what Google has done?

  2. How do I get which items were entered (that became "chips"), and also be able to remove or add items from outside?


  • I've succeeded adding the functionality of adding a recipient. The only thing to remember is to call it only after the view got its size (example of how to do it here) :

    /** adds a recipient to the view. note that it should be called when the view has determined its size */
    public void addRecipient(final RecipientEntry entry) {
        if (entry == null)
        final int end = getSelectionEnd();
        final int start = mTokenizer.findTokenStart(getText(), end);
        final Editable editable = getText();
        QwertyKeyListener.markAsReplaced(editable, start, end, "");
        final CharSequence chip = createChip(entry, false);
        if (chip != null && start >= 0 && end >= 0) {
            editable.replace(start, end, chip);
    private void submitItemAtPosition(final int position) {
        final RecipientEntry entry = createValidatedEntry(getAdapter().getItem(position));
        if (entry == null)

    And, for deletion:

    /** removes a chip of a recipient from the view */
    public void removeRecipient(final RecipientEntry entry) {
        final DrawableRecipientChip[] chips = getSpannable().getSpans(0, getText().length(),
        final List<DrawableRecipientChip> chipsToRemove = new ArrayList<DrawableRecipientChip>();
        for (final DrawableRecipientChip chip : chips)
            if (chip.getDataId() == entry.getDataId())
        for (final DrawableRecipientChip chip : chipsToRemove)

    and as I've written before, for getting the list of contactIds that are currently inside the view, use "getContactIds()" . Another alternative is:

    /** returns a collection of all of the chips' items. key is the contact id, and the value is the recipient itself */
    public Map<Long, RecipientEntry> getChosenRecipients() {
        final Map<Long, RecipientEntry> result = new HashMap<Long, RecipientEntry>();
        final DrawableRecipientChip[] chips = getSortedRecipients();
        if (chips != null)
            for (final DrawableRecipientChip chip : chips) {
                // if(result.)
                final long contactId = chip.getContactId();
                if (!result.containsKey(contactId))
                    result.put(contactId, chip.getEntry());
        return result;

    Maybe I should post the code on Github.

    The only thing I miss now is a good listener to the chips themselves : when a chip is added, removed and replaced. for most of the cases I can detect it, but not when the user presses backspace and removes a chip.

    EDIT: also added the listener. now I've found a bug in searching of contacts. it seems to search the normal English letters as if they were phone numbers.

    EDIT: I've decided to put a sample and a library on GitHub, here . Hope to update it with more useful features soon.

    I would really be happy for any contribution to the code.