
How do I join a one-to-many table with results only appended to the smaller table?

Basically I have a one-to-many table. I want to append the columns of the larger table to the result set of the smaller table. I will end up with a result set the same size of the smaller table, but again, with the relevant information from the many sided table.

One catch: the many sided table doesn't have a primary key defined, although a composite key could be established (again it isn't there as constraint).


  • Since more than one record in t_large may correspond to a record in t_small, you need to choose what exactly you want to pick from t_large.

    This means that you'll either need to aggregate all corresponding records from t_large (how?), or select a single record out of many (which?).

    SELECT  s.*, SUM(l.value)
    FROM    t_small s
            t_large l
    ON      s.id = l.small


    SELECT  s.*, l.*
    FROM    t_small s
            t_large l
    ON      l.id = 
            SELECT  MIN(id)
            FROM    t_large li
            WHERE   li.small = s.id

    Now, imagine this table layout:

    id     value
    --     --
    1      Small 1
    2      Small 2
    id     small_id  value
    --     --        --
    1      1         1
    2      1         4
    3      2         9
    4      2         16

    Could you please post the resultset which you'd like to see as a result of the query?