
Sencha Touch: Any event which is fired after List Items have been rendered

Simple problem but I haven't managed to find a possible solution:

I have a list in Sencha Touch with Items generated through the itemTpl property. Now I want to go through the items (after they were rendered!) in the DOM and Replace their images (using imgCache for on-device-caching of images)

The Painted event of the List doesn't help because it's fired before the Item-DOM is rendered.

EDIT: My current solution is to override the internal updateListItem method of the Ext.dataview.List, call the original updateListItem there and add there my additional functionality. Still looking for a better solution ...


  • The list associated store's load event is what you're looking for.


    As you point out in the comments the load event is not guaranteed to be thrown after the items have actually been rendered.

    I think your approach is correct, but instead of adding in place your functionality, why don't you fire a custom event at the end of the overridden method, passing the list item itself, so that you can listen for that event on the list?

    Something like:

    updateListItem: function(item, index, info) {
        // function body ...
        me.fireEvent('listitemupdate', [item, index]);

    That should keep your code a little more clean and reusable.