I am trying to make one to many relationship between lounges and cities So, one lounge can be in many cities - "KFC" => London, Paris, Madrid and etc For the purpose I am using DataMapper, but the manual si a bit confusing and I receive an error - Table 'databasename.cities_lounges' doesn't exist, however there is a table called lounge_cities. When I change it to cities_lounges it gives me different error like describe cities_lounges
Here is what lounge_cities table contains: "id, lounge_id(INT, UNSIGNED), city_id(INT,UNSIGNED)
Here is my models:
class Lounge_model extends DataMapper
public function __construct()
var $table = 'lounges';
var $has_one = array('city_model');
class City_model extends DataMapper
public function __construct()
var $table = 'cities';
var $has_many = array('lounge_model');
and here is the function where I am trying to get it my controller:
public function id($id)
$lounge = new lounge_model();
$lounge->where('id', $id)->get();
$relationshiptest = $lounge->city_model->get();
That is what I followed: http://datamapper.wanwizard.eu/pages/accessingrelations.html
Can someone help me out, but don't point me to the manual, cause I hard it find to understand... ? Cheers
You have a one-to-many relation, so you just need to add a column "city_model_id" to your "lounges" database table... There is no need for the "lounge_cities" table (which should have been "cities_lounges" according to the "Table Naming Rules):
Joining tables must be named with both of the table names it is joining, in alphabetical order, separated by an underscore (_). For example, the joining table for users and countries is countries_users. (source)