
How to get a warning on old exception specifications

I know that among other things (like auto_ptr), exception specifications have been deprecated in C++11.

Is there any way to get a warning from g++ 4.8 with the following code ?

struct F{
    void foo() throw (int){}
int main()

I already tried with -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Wdeprecated-declarations, but without any success.


  • You can use

    class __attribute__((deprecated)) old_style_throw_specification;
    class old_style_throw_specification {};
    #define throw(...) throw(old_style_throw_specification, __VA_ARGS__)

    Live example

    or if you need to support empty throw specifications (thanks @John5342 for pointing this out), you can use

    #define throw(...) throw(old_style_throw_specification, ##__VA_ARGS__)

    for the macros but you'll need to compile with the GNU-extensions: -std=gnu++11 as the above is not strictly legal C++11.

    Live example