
Stata: Subsetting data using criteria stored in other data set

I have a large data set. I have to subset the data set (Big_data) by using values stored in other dta file (Criteria_data). I will show you the problem first:

   **Big_data**                           **Criteria_data**
====================      ================================================
  lon        lat             4_digit_id   minlon  maxlon  minlat  maxlat
-76.22      44.27              0765       -78.44  -77.22  34.324  35.011
-67.55      33.19              6161       -66.11  -65.93  40.32   41.88
    .......                                   ........
 (over 1 million obs)                    (271 observations)        
====================      ================================================

I have to subset the bid data as follows:

use Big_data

keep if (-78.44<lon<-77.22) & (34.324<lat<35.011)
save data_0765, replace

keep if (-66.11<lon<-65.93) & (40.32<lat<41.88)
save data_6161, replace


(1) What should be the efficient programming for the subsetting in Stata? (2) Are the inequality expressions correctly written?


  • 1) Subsetting data

    With 400,000 observations in the main file and 300 in the reference file, it takes about 1.5 minutes. I can't test this with double the observations in the main file because the lack of RAM takes my computer to a crawl.

    The strategy involves creating as many variables as needed to hold the reference latitudes and longitudes (271*4 = 1084 in the OP's case; Stata IC and up can handle this. See help limits). This requires some reshaping and appending. Then we check for those observations of the big data file that meet the conditions.

    clear all
    set more off
    *----- create example databases -----
    tempfile bigdata reference
    input ///
    lon        lat   
    -76.22      44.27
    -66.0      40.85 // meets conditions
    -77.10     34.8 // meets conditions
    -66.00    42.0 
    expand 100000
    save "`bigdata'"
    clear all
    input ///
    str4 id   minlon  maxlon  minlat  maxlat
    "0765"       -78.44  -75.22  34.324  35.011
    "6161"       -66.11  -65.93  40.32   41.88
    drop id
    expand 150
    gen id = _n
    save "`reference'"
    *----- reshape original reference file -----
    use "`reference'", clear
    tempfile reference2
    destring id, replace
    levelsof id, local(lev)
    gen i = 1
    reshape wide minlon maxlon minlat maxlat, i(i) j(id) 
    gen lat = .
    gen lon = .
    save "`reference2'"
    *----- create working database -----
    use "`bigdata'"
    timer on 1
    quietly {
        forvalues num = 1/300 {
            gen minlon`num' = .
            gen maxlon`num' = .
            gen minlat`num' = .
            gen maxlat`num' = .
    timer off 1
    timer on 2
    append using "`reference2'"
    drop i
    timer off 2
    *----- flag observations for which conditions are met -----
    timer on 3
    gen byte flag = 0
    foreach le of local lev {
        quietly replace flag = 1 if inrange(lon, minlon`le'[_N], maxlon`le'[_N]) & inrange(lat, minlat`le'[_N], maxlat`le'[_N])
    timer off 3
    *keep if flag
    *keep lon lat
    timer list

    The inrange() function implies that the minimums and maximums must be adjusted beforehand to satisfy the OP's strict inequalities (the function tests <=, >=).

    Probably some expansion using expand, use of correlatives and by (so data is in long form) could speed things up. It's not totally clear for me right now. I'm sure there are better ways in plain Stata mode. Mata may be even better.

    (joinby was also tested but again RAM was a problem.)


    Doing computations in chunks rather than for the complete database, significantly improves the RAM issue. Using a main file with 1.2 million observations and a reference file with 300 observations, the following code does all the work in about 1.5 minutes:

    set more off
    *----- create example big data -----
    clear all
    set obs 1200000
    set seed 13056
    gen lat = runiform()*100
    gen lon = runiform()*100
    local sizebd `=_N' // to be used in computations
    tempfile bigdata
    save "`bigdata'"
    *----- create example reference data -----
    clear all
    set obs 300
    set seed 97532
    gen minlat = runiform()*100
    gen maxlat = minlat + runiform()*5
    gen minlon = runiform()*100
    gen maxlon = minlon + runiform()*5
    gen id = _n
    tempfile reference
    save "`reference'"
    *----- reshape original reference file -----
    use "`reference'", clear
    destring id, replace
    levelsof id, local(lev)
    gen i = 1
    reshape wide minlon maxlon minlat maxlat, i(i) j(id) 
    drop i
    tempfile reference2
    save "`reference2'"
    *----- create file to save results -----
    tempfile results
    clear all
    set obs 0
    gen lon = .
    gen lat = .
    save "`results'"
    *----- start computations -----
    clear all
    * local that controls # of observations in intermediate files
    local step = 5000 // can't be larger than sizedb
    timer clear
    timer on 99
    forvalues en = `step'(`step')`sizebd' {
        * load observations and join with references
        timer on 1
        local start = `en' - (`step' - 1)
        use in `start'/`en' using "`bigdata'", clear
        timer off 1
        timer on 2
        append using "`reference2'"
        timer off 2
        * flag observations that meet conditions
        timer on 3
        gen byte flag = 0
        foreach le of local lev {
            quietly replace flag = 1 if inrange(lon, minlon`le'[_N], maxlon`le'[_N]) & inrange(lat, minlat`le'[_N], maxlat`le'[_N])
        timer off 3
        * append to result database
        timer on 4
        quietly {
            keep if flag
            keep lon lat
            append using "`results'"
            save "`results'", replace
        timer off 4
    timer off 99
    timer list
    display "total time is " `r(t99)'/60 " minutes"
    use "`results'"

    2) Inequalities

    You ask if your inequalities are correct. They are in fact legal, meaning that Stata will not complain, but the result is probably unexpected.

    The following result may seem surprising:

    . display  (66.11 < 100 < 67.93)

    How is it the case that the expression evaluates to true (i.e. 1) ? Stata first evaluates 66.11 < 100 which is true, and then sees 1 < 67.93 which is also true, of course.

    The intended expression was (and Stata will now do what you want):

    . display  (66.11 < 100) & (100 < 67.93)

    You can also rely on the function inrange().

    The following example is consistent with the previous explanation:

    . display  (66.11 < 100 < 0)

    Stata sees 66.11 < 100 which is true (i.e. 1) and follows up with 1 < 0, which is false (i.e. 0).