
Emacs parenthesis match colors styling

I'm using prelude emacs with solarized theme and parenthesis highlights are hardly visible and looking very ugly. I've tried disabling show-smartparen-mode also show-paren-mode but nothing seems to disable it. I'm not sure, which mode is making highlight parenthesis. Please check the image below:

enter image description here

I would like to change background color of parenthesis to something else so it is more visible. I would appreciate if anyone could provide any help/comments in this regards. Thanks!


Problem: The matching parenthesis highlight, if you look at image above, my cursor is immediate right of the ) therefore ( and ) are highlighted in bluish shade which is not visible.

What I want: I would somehow like to change background color of this highlight.


  • After doing C-u C-x = with the cursor on the highlighted parenthesis, you will know what the highlighting face is. If you just want to change its background color, then do M-x customize-face FACE, where FACE is the face name.