
can't "use" a form in symfony2.4

this is probably a typo but I can't see it... it drives me crazy !

my structure is:

Bundle : /Symfony24/src/NRtworks/ChartOfAccountsBundle

My form: /Symfony24/src/NRtworks/ChartOfAccountsBundle/Form/Account_fastedit_form.php

The controller is like this:


namespace NRtworks\ChartOfAccountsBundle\Controller;
//form loading
use NRtworks\ChartOfAccountsBundle\Form\Account_fastedit_form;
use NRtworks\SubscriptionBundle\Form\NewCustomer;

class ChartOfAccountsController extends Controller
   public function indexAction()
       new NewCustomer();
       new Account_fastedit_form();



my form class in Form/Account_fastedit_form.php


namespace NRtworks\ChartOfAccountsBundle\Form;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

class Account_fastedit_form extends AbstractType

then I get:

ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class "Account_fastedit_form" from namespace "NRtworks\ChartOfAccountsBundle\Form" in /home/eagle1/www/Symfony24/src/NRtworks/ChartOfAccountsBundle/Controller/ChartOfAccountsController.php line 72. Do you need to "use" it from another namespace?

I don't find my error. ps: as you can see I can use my form NewCustomer, in another bundle without any problem, and the structure is similar...


  • I tested this here and I can confirm that Symfony does not like the fact you have underscores in your class name.

    Change the class to AccountFasteditForm, the file containing the class to AccountFasteditForm.php and update your use statements. It should work then.


    Hunting down some information about this, I suspected it was related to PSR-0. You'll find in the doc:

    Each _ character in the CLASS NAME is converted to a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. The _ character has no special meaning in the namespace.

    Implying that _ is fine in namespaces but not in class names.

    I also found reference in the Symfony docs that class names must be camel-case (again implying that underscored namespaces are fine)

    Here is a similar SO question