
Celery - Testing - Which queue did the job go to

Simple question. How can I determine which queue the job went to when I have multiple queues defined. While I know I said go to the priority queue - how can I check to see if in fact that's the case?


  • There are several ways to ultimately find out. While it's processing the best way to do this is to use the tools in celery. For a given task_id do this.

    from celery.app import app_or_default
    app = app_or_default()
    inspect = app.control.inspect()
                {u'acknowledged': False,
                 u'args': u'[]',
                 u'delivery_info': {u'exchange': u'celery',
                                    u'priority': None,
                                    u'redelivered': False,
                                    u'routing_key': u'celery'},
                 u'hostname': u'celery@adeline.xxx.com',    
                 u'id': u'ebe2d165-92f6-4c81-bbf5-b2644e0dbcaf',
                 u'kwargs': u"{'status_ids': [5072L, 7643L]}",
                 u'name': u'apps.home.tasks.update_home_stats',
                 u'time_start': None,
                 u'worker_pid': None}]}}    

    The delivery_info tells you the exchange which is the queue name.