I have a table that was imported as all UPPER CASE and I would like to turn it into Proper Case. What script have any of you used to complete this?
Here's a UDF that will do the trick...
create function ProperCase(@Text as varchar(8000))
returns varchar(8000)
declare @Reset bit;
declare @Ret varchar(8000);
declare @i int;
declare @c char(1);
if @Text is null
return null;
select @Reset = 1, @i = 1, @Ret = '';
while (@i <= len(@Text))
select @c = substring(@Text, @i, 1),
@Ret = @Ret + case when @Reset = 1 then UPPER(@c) else LOWER(@c) end,
@Reset = case when @c like '[a-zA-Z]' then 0 else 1 end,
@i = @i + 1
return @Ret
You will still have to use it to update your data though.