Decided to run a quick test to see how bcmath
operates on various versions of PHP, and noticed that the latest and greatest is lacking significantly in speed when compared to 4.3,
I am wondering if anyone knows what the reason behind this is, and/or how the speed can be improved on 5+ so that it is reasonably comparable to 4.3.
Also note, the memory consumption from 5.6+ is triple that which 4.3 requires for the same operation :
It's not faster. The graphs you see include not only the bcmath
call, but the startup & shutdown overhead as well.
$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; ++$i) {
bcdiv(40075036, 86164.098903691, 40);
echo microtime(true) - $start;
This snippet would measure the bcdiv
As you can see - the performance is pretty much the same.
A note: you can see that the numbers are really small, it means that you cannot completely trust them and you should understand that any additional load on the machine can affect the test results.