Event and error logging in MVC 5 project

I am looking at implementing a logging mechanism in a site of mine, I wish to do basic user action logging. I don't want to log every single button they click on, but I do want to log actions they do which makes changes.

Are there any libraries or articles / tutorials out there which can help me implement a good and efficient logging mechanism for my site. Im not sure if there are any changes in MVC5 that might come in use for logging as I know user Authentication and Authorization has changed a fair amount from 4 to 5.

I'm sure that there is a dynamic library out there that will work in many different situations.

Nice to haves:

I'm thinking along the lines of creating a custom filter or attribute that then logs the suers action, but that's just my Idea, Im here to ask what the standard / industry way to do it is.


  • There isn't an industry standard. I've used filters or I've overridden the "onActionExecuting" method on the base controller class to record controller / action events.

    EDIT ::

    Trying to be more helpful but this is really vague. If you're worried about errors and things like that use elmah. For other logging, use Nlog or Log4Net.

    If you're trying to do extra logging like auditing or something like that, you can use any combination of those, or something custom. In my site, I created a table that stores every click on the site by creating an object sort of like this:

    public class audit
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public DateTime AuditDate { get; set; }
        public string ControllerName { get; set; }
        public string ActionName { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, object> values

    In my base constructor, I overrode the OnActionExecuting event:

        protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext ctx)
            //do not omit this line

    Let's say I want to log all Get Requests using my new audit object

      private void checkForLogging(ActionExecutingContext ctx)
            //we leave logging of posts up to the actual methods because they're more complex...
            if (ctx.HttpContext.Request.RequestType == "GET")
                    logging(ctx.ActionDescriptor.ActionName, ctx.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName, ctx.ActionParameters);                

    That's all the info I need to fill my logging object with the action name, the controller name and all the params passed into the method. You can either save this to a db, or a logfile or whatever you want really.

    The point is that it's a pretty big thing. This is just one way to do it and it may or may not help you. Maybe define a bit more what exactly you want to log and when you want to do it?

    You can create a custom attribute and decorate methods with it and then check if that attribute is present when the OnActionExecuting method fires. You can then get that filter if present and read from it and use that to drive your logging if you want.