
Crosswalk Cordova does not build

I believe every version of Crosswalk Cordova I've downloaded from does not build successfully for me out of the box. I am following direct instructions from the Crosswalk wiki here but no luck even with the stable builds. The only time I was able to build successfully was when I read through each error on the command line and went through the java files necessary to comment some code that was causing the problem. However, since I am new to Crosswalk, I do not know the code base well enough to continue doing that, at least not reliably and carefully.

My main goal is to build the Crosswalk Cordova sample project so that I can replace the assets code with my web app that I already created. Has anyone had luck with this? Could anyone share a very stable build that builds successfully out the box?



  • I had trouble using the crosswalk examples as well. You should check out the POC Joe Bowser published here:

    note that it is contained in the pluggable_webview branch --edit--

    You install the crosswalk browser through PlugMan from this repo:

    note that the xwalk engine itself is not included in either repo. The plugin repo provides the hooks, the cordova fork provides the functionality to swap webviews.

    Joe is a core Cordova team member and created a crosswalk-cordova demo which does work (I've tested it myself).
