When trying to pass the users private key to grunt-ssh I want each developer to be able to setup their server keys in a Gruntsetting.json loaded in the Gruntfile like so:
settings: grunt.file.readJSON('Gruntsettings.json'),
sshexec: {
test: {
command: 'uptime',
options: {
privateKey: grunt.file.read('<%- settings.keyPath %>'),
host: '<%= settings.host %>',
username: '<%= settings.username %>'
However when I use the keyPath setting in the grunt.file.read statement I get the error:
Error: Unable to read "<%- settings.keyPath %>" file (Error code: ENOENT).
Is it possible to pass variables from a read json file back to another read command?
Expand the privateKey
template to include the file-read method call:
settings: grunt.file.readJSON('Gruntsettings.json'),
sshexec: {
test: {
command: 'uptime',
options: {
privateKey: '<%= grunt.file.read(settings.keyPath) %>',
host: '<%= settings.host %>',
username: '<%= settings.username %>'