
SASS workflow for easier CLI debugging via Grunt

Here is my workflow I have 20 scss files that are imported into one 'app.scss' see below


the SASS folder structure is organized 'SASS/base and SASS/base' root has one 'app.scss' file that imports everything

I compile compile and watch changes via 'Gruntfile.js' -- it looks something like this

sass: {
        dist: {
            options: {
                includePaths: ['scss'],
                imagesDir: 'assets/img',
                cssDir: 'assets/css'
            files: {
                'assets/css/app.css':  'sass/app.scss'
    watch: {
        sass: {
            files: 'sass/**/*.scss',
            tasks: ['sass']
        css: {
            files: 'assets/**/*.css',
            options: {
                livereload: true
        javascript: {
            files: ['app/**/*.js', 'app/**/*.hbs'],
            options: {
                livereload: true

This is great for production but while in dev I would like to have different css files for debugging purposes..

is there a way of having multiple css files via Gruntfile and SASS for development without having to include 20 <link rel="stylesheet"... while in dev stage...

based on comment about using sourceMap, sourceComments here is what my grunt looks like

    sass: {
        dist: {
            options: {
                includePaths: ['scss'],
                imagesDir: 'assets/img',
                cssDir: 'assets/css'
            files: {
                'assets/css/app.css':  'sass/app.scss'
        sourceComments: {
            options: {
                sourceComments: 'normal'
            files: {
                'assets/css/source-comments-app.css':  'sass/app.scss'
        sourceMap: {
            options: {
                sourceComments: 'map',
                sourceMap: 'source-map.css.map'
            files: {
               'assets/css/source-maps-app.css':  'sass/app.scss'

but am getting an error... is grunt suppose to get all the mapping information from app.scss for the sourcemap and sourceComments?


  • I found the answer via grunt..after a lot of trials

           sass: {
            dist: {
                options: {
                    includePaths: ['scss'],
                    imagesDir: 'assets/img',
                    cssDir: 'assets/css',
                    sourceComments: 'map',
                files: {
                    'assets/css/app.css':  'sass/app.scss'

    it has to be inside the options of the scss compile!