is it possible to configure the rapart tokn storage in wso2esb 4.8.0?
use case is this: I have a SAML secured proxy, when the proxy is called, rampart stores the saml token in the token storage: SimpleTokenStore, (implementation of org.apache.rahas.TokenStorage).
It saves all the tokens in memory, so this becomes very heavy in a production environment.
My solution is to write an implementation of that interface, but my question is: where should I configure it?
thank you
Solution is:
in the ws security policy file of the proxy service add in the <RampartConfig> element the child <tokenStoreClass></tokenStoreClass>
then create a class that implements org.apache.rahas.TokenStorage, with custom business logic and put it in the carbon classpath eg: repository/components/lib
I think this is very usefull, because otherwise rampart save all received token in heap memory, so in a production environment this may cause Heap space saturation
hope it helps!