
ejb in session context is allways null

i have created sigleton session bean which keeps one connection to my mongo database. It works well in jax-rs class when using @EJB annotation - after controller is contructed and bean is injected it calls init method anotated with @PostConstruct.

Then i created similar class, which is implementing SecurityContext. I used same pattern as in controller, but it is not working properly. init() method is never called and EJB instance is always null.

So is there a way to inject EJB to my SecurityContext implemetation ? it works well unless i try to inject and use MongoConnection

my singleton session bean I use to connect mongo database:

public class MongoConnection {

public void init() {
    // initialize properties

I use it in JAX-RS controller. it works here, also in classes inherited from EntityController.

public class EntityController extends Application {

private UriInfo context;

protected MongoConnection connection;**

public EntityController() {

void init() {

I implemented my own security context, which is looking for loged user roles in mongo database.

public class MongoSecurityContext implements SecurityContext {

private MongoConnection connection;**

public MongoSecurityContext() {

void init() {

public MongoSecurityContext(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
    token = requestContext.getHeaderString("token");

public boolean isUserInRole(String roleName) {
    //**connection is allways null**, so it returns false;
    if (connection == null)
        return false;


I forget, i also have this warning in glassfish 4 console:

 A provider extremeteacher.mongo.connection.MongoConnectionEjb registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime. Due to constraint configuration problems the provider extremeteacher.mongo.connection.MongoConnectionEjb will be ignored


public class AuthorizationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {

        requestContext.setSecurityContext(new MongoSecurityContext(requestContext)) ;



  • Injection does not work for objects created with new because the container is never given control to perform the injection. I recommend moving the @EJB to the filter and passing it to the MongoSecurityContext constructor.