
How does Lisp let you redefine the language itself?

I've heard that Lisp lets you redefine the language itself, and I have tried to research it, but there is no clear explanation anywhere. Does anyone have a simple example?


  • Lisp users refer to Lisp as the programmable programming language. It is used for symbolic computing - computing with symbols.

    Macros are only one way to exploit the symbolic computing paradigm. The broader vision is that Lisp provides easy ways to describe symbolic expressions: mathematical terms, logic expressions, iteration statements, rules, constraint descriptions and more. Macros (transformations of Lisp source forms) are just one application of symbolic computing.

    There are certain aspects to that: If you ask about 'redefining' the language, then redefine strictly would mean redefine some existing language mechanism (syntax, semantics, pragmatics). But there is also extension, embedding, removing of language features.

    In the Lisp tradition there have been many attempts to provide these features. A Lisp dialect and a certain implementation may offer only a subset of them.

    A few ways to redefine/change/extend functionality as provided by major Common Lisp implementations:

    Lisp has these and more facilities, because it has been used to implement a lot of different languages and programming paradigms. A typical example is an embedded implementation of a logic language, say, Prolog. Lisp allows to describe Prolog terms with s-expressions and with a special compiler, the Prolog terms can be compiled to Lisp code. Sometimes the usual Prolog syntax is needed, then a parser will parse the typical Prolog terms into Lisp forms, which then will be compiled. Other examples for embedded languages are rule-based languages, mathematical expressions, SQL terms, inline Lisp assembler, HTML, XML and many more.