
Testing Ember Simple Auth in Ember App Kit with sinon

I would like to mock server login responses when testing Ember Simple Auth in my Ember App Kit application. However, with the following code I get an opaque error 'Unexpected end of input' when the click action is called on the visit function :

var App;

module('Acceptances - SignIn', {
  setup: function(){
    App = startApp();
    this.xhr                = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest();
    this.server             = sinon.fakeServer.create();
    this.server.autoRespond = true;
    sinon.spy(Ember.$, 'ajax');

    this.server.respondWith('POST', '/oauth/token', [
      { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
      '{"access_token":"secret token 2!","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":7200}'

  teardown: function() {, 'destroy');

test('authentication works correctly', function() {   
  visit('/login').fillIn('#identification', "").fillIn('#password', "password").click('button[type="submit"]').then(function() {
    ok(!exists('a:contains(Login)'), 'Login button is not displayed when authenticated');

The #identification and #password input fields exists, and the submit button exists on the field that contains them.

I am including sinon and qunit in my headers. Am I calling sinon the wrong way or making some other mistake?

Edit: Resolution: By also including sinon-qunit the problem disappeared. It seems like you can not use sinon with Ember App Kit qunit tests without including sinon-qunit.

Edit 2: I open sourced an example with tests that mocks login responses with sinon here:


  • I open sourced an example with tests that mocks login responses with sinon here at

    The example is made using Ember App Kit, Ember Simple Auth, and Ember.

    This is how I use mock login responses in the:

    var App;
    module('Acceptances - SignIn', {
      setup: function(){
        App = startApp();
        this.xhr                = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest();
        this.server             = sinon.fakeServer.create();
        this.server.autoRespond = true;
        sinon.spy(Ember.$, 'ajax');
        this.server.respondWith('POST', '/oauth/token', [
          { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
          '{"access_token":"secret token 2!","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":7200}'
      teardown: function() {, 'destroy');
    test('authentication works correctly', function() {
      visit('/').then(function() {
        ok(exists('a:contains(Login)'), 'Login button is displayed when not authenticated');
        ok(!exists('a:contains(Logout)'), 'Logout button is not displayed when not authenticated');
      visit('/login').fillIn('#identification', "").fillIn('#password', "password").click('button[type="submit"]').then(function() {
        ok(!exists('a:contains(Login)'), 'Login button is not displayed when authenticated');
        ok(exists('a:contains(Logout)'), 'Logout button is displayed when authenticated');