
What's easiest way to get value of a checkbox

what is the easiest way to get the value of a checkbox? I create my checkboxes dynamically

 function buildList() {
    var output;
    output = "<form><fieldset data-role='controlgroup' data-iconpos='right' id='fieldset_item'>";
    if (codeCounter != 0 && codeCounter > 0 && codeCounter != null) {
        for (var i = 0; i < codeCounter; i++) {
            output += "<input type='checkbox' name='checkbox_" + i
                    + "' id='checkbox_" + i + "'><label for='checkbox_" + i
                    + "'>" + localStorage.getItem(i) + "</label>";

    output += "</fieldset></form>";

So how can i get the value of the each checkbox?


  • Having no value in the checkboxes you're generating, kind of made me feel you want the text inside the label tags, in case I was right:

    var id = 'checkbox_1'; 
    var checkboxLabel = $('label[for="' + id + '"]').html();