
Mongodb - How to update a nested Array

I have to update an Array nested in another Array. Is it possible to do that with the $addtoset operator?

Here is my document. I have a library which has an Array of authors who have an Array of Books.

In this example, I'd like to add a new category to the book id 1 of the author id 1

How can I do that?

    "id" : NumberLong(666),
    "library" : [ 
            "id" : NumberLong(8888),
            "author" : [ 
                    "id" : NumberLong(1),
                    "books" : [ 
                            "title" : "plop",
                            "category" : ["horror"],
                            "isbn" : 12345
                            "title" : "plup",
                            "category" : ["comics"],
                            "isbn" : 6789
                    "id" : NumberLong(2),
                    "books" : [ 
                            "title" : "blop",
                            "category" : ["horror"],
                            "isbn" : 96325
                            "title" : "blup",
                            "category" : ["comics"],
                            "isbn" : 74125

I tried this:

    {"$addToSet": {"author.$.books.category": "humour" }}

But it doesn't works

How does it work?

thanks a lot


  •     db.library.update(
          {"$addToSet": {"$.category": "Book"}}