
Dompdf remote image is not displaying in pdf

On my server pdf generated via dompdf was not displaying images. Because they are remote url images.(local images are working fine) then I come to know that it needs some settings to render remote images.

allow_url_fopen = true => i can not as server control is not in my hand.(and no one will suggest to do this due to security reasons)
read/write access to the DOMPDF_TEMP_DIR (already have this)
DOMPDF_ENABLE_REMOTE = true (already have this)

So to sure the issue of allow_url_fopen, I set false in my localhost which is now giving the same output as server.

So, now the issue is now I want to display remote images in PDF with allow_url_fopen = false

Is there anyone can suggest me how can I display image in pdf please. The error I am always getting is ...

Image not found


Image not found


  • I had the same problem, dompdf image not found on live server

    I found its solution, you just need to double check the image path,

    Considering your live server image path

    <img src="">

    You just need to change it to,

    <img src="public/images/thumb.png">

    Note: Make sure that, all settings are same as you have already made.

    I hope this will help you.