
Yii2 how to set the title for the widget ListView

I have installed in Yii 1.1

 $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
'template' => Yii::t('Site','Header News')

But how 'to do it in Yii2 ?

echo ListView::widget(['template' => Yii::t('Site','Header News'), 
    'dataProvider' => $tipsList,
    'itemView' => '_listItem',
    'layout' => '{items}{pager}',
    'itemOptions' => [
    'options' => [
        'links' => '<h2>test</h2>',
        'tag' => 'ul',
        'class' => 'ten-vertical summary-list',


    'viewParams' => array(
        'categoryAlias' => $categories[0]->urlAlias,
        'imageConfig' => array('width' => 120, 'height' => 120, 'fill' => true),
        'firstImageConfig' => array('width' => 436, 'height' => 436, 'fill' => true),

Param 'template' => Yii::t('Site','Header News') does not work


  • template property of ListView in Yii2 called layout. Link