I am working on a small game in pygame and I have set up a health variable so each time my player gets hit by an enemy ship my health decreases by 25, however sometimes (If I my player rapidly across the screen) I am able to get this below 0 and it continues reducing by 25 into minus numbers.
Is there any way I can set it so the score cannot go below 0 once 0 is reached?
Heres my code so far:
for player in player_list:
block_hit_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, block_list, True)
for block in block_hit_list:
health -= 25
if health < 0:
health = max(value, 0)
if health == 0:
I have updated the code and now it seems to be functioning properly, not sure if I have used something which makes sense (If so, any improvements are welcomed) :( I am quite new to python.
I am not too sure what you final goal is since this is only a snippet of code but you need to either increase your health
variable or break the loop
if health == 0: