My solutions design is as folows
| .NET exe | throws .NET Exception
| IKVM | | <------------auto conversion?
+--------------------+ v
| java jar assembly | java exception
When .net exe throw an exception, such as System.NotSupportedException into java jar library assembly, java-based assembly expects java exception are thrown while .net library exception is based upon non-java exception.
It works fine if .NET try{}catch{} converts .net exception into ikvm java exception.
But i don't think it is smart way.
Is there any way to convert .NET exceptions to java exceptions gracefully?
I would not throw the .NET exception to the Java layer any more than I would allow an exception to cross the boundary from my HTTP layer to a client view.
I think the .NET component ought to catch and handle all exceptions and communicate the failure to Java in a manner that's better for the client.