We're trying to build a dashboard for our cron jobs ---- CF, Java, SQLServer, etc. so that we can see when things were run last, what the result was, and when they're scheduled to run next.
Is there a way with the CFAdmin API or some undocumented <cfschedule>
trick to get a list of:
We're currently on CF8, but will be upgrading to CF9 within a few weeks.
I did a little research into this for you. I found a somewhat older reference that is still valid, at least in CF8 and presumably in CF9 as well.
<cfobject type="JAVA" action="Create" name="factory" class="coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory">
<cfset allTasks = factory.CronService.listAll()/>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(allTasks)#">
<cfdump var="#allTasks[i]#" />
This answers your questions #1 and #4. As for #3, there can be no answer to that. ColdFusion's scheduled task engine is just loading up the specified URL at the prescribed time. There is no success or fail -- it simply performs an HTTP request.
Hope this helps.