So I have this kind of data
3.500E2 -0.956862
10.00E2 -1.95941
in a file.
If I plot it it looks like this:
Now I want the area under the curve filled with the visible spectrum, like this:
I already found this forum post, which draws me a nice visible spectrum, but I can't further add my own curve into it, as this appears to be a pm3d plot.
What can I do?
The filledcurves
plotting style cannot handle such gradient filling, but you can modify your data file to use it with pm3d
and splot
The pm3d
style works only for surfaces, so you must edit your data file to actually provide a surface grid.
For this you must add a second data block to your file, which has the same values in the first column, and the minimum of all values of the second column as its second column. Both blocks must be separated by an empty line.
Consider the example data file spectrum.dat
350 1
400 2
450 5
500 2
550 1
600 3
650 3
700 8
750 4
800 3
850 0
From that you must get a file
350 1
400 2
450 5
500 2
550 1
600 3
650 3
700 8
750 4
800 3
850 0
350 0
400 0
450 0
500 0
550 0
600 0
650 0
700 0
750 0
800 0
850 0
That can be done on-the-fly with awk (the command got much better thanks to @TomFenech) and then plotted with pm3d
using the function definitions from the forum post you linked:
lmax = 780; lmin = 380
set cbrange [lmin:lmax]
set palette functions f(k*gray+lmin)*r(k*gray+lmin),g(k*gray+lmin),f(k*gray+lmin)*b(k*gray+lmin)
set pm3d map interpolate 0,1
set autoscale xfix
splot '<awk ''NR == FNR {min = !min || $2 < min ? $2 : min; print; next} FNR == 1 {print ""} {$2 = min}1'' spectrum.dat spectrum.dat' using 1:2:(0):1 notitle
Note, that you don't need to interpolate the pm3d palette if you have enough data points. That might only give you strange artifacts (white vertical lines) in that case.