I have the following Python code to query an ElasticSearch index. No matter what query I try, I get an empty resultset. I seem to be missing some basic trick here.
import sys
import pyes
from pyes.query import TermQuery, FuzzyLikeThisFieldQuery, BoolQuery
conn = pyes.ES(('http', '?????.qbox.io', '80'))
INDEX = "postoffice"
def state_query(doc):
return TermQuery(field="STATE_ALPHA", value=doc["state"])
def fuzzy_county_query(doc):
return FuzzyLikeThisFieldQuery(field="COUNTY_NAME", like_text=doc["county"])
def fuzzy_name_query(doc):
return FuzzyLikeThisFieldQuery(field="FEATURE_NAME", like_text=doc["place"])
def find_within_county(doc):
return BoolQuery(must=[state_query(doc), fuzzy_county_query(doc)], should=fuzzy_name_query(doc))
if __name__ == "__main__":
test = dict(place="Rockport", county="Essex", state="MA")
q = find_within_county(test)
print q._serialize()
results = conn.search(query=q, indices=[INDEX])
for result in results:
print result
Indeed, it is simple. The value of a term query should be lowercase. The following works fine.
def state_query(doc):
return TermQuery(field="STATE_ALPHA", value=doc["state"].lower())
I got the idea for this in this excellent tutorial.