
array_merge for Maps and Vectors at hacklang

Given the following code

$a = Vector {"qux"};
$b = Vector {"foo","bar"};

$a = array_merge($a, $b);

The following error is raised:

Warning: Invalid operand type was used: array_merge expects array(s)

Is there any workaround for array_merge for vectors and maps, without making a foreach by hand, of the vector?


  • Answering to my self.

    In fact array_merge is not listed under the list of functions with support for hack Collections.

    The best way to merge Vectors is the function addAll.

    $a = Vector {"qux"};
    $b = Vector {"foo","bar"};

    In the case of Map, it's a bit more complicated and a combination of foreach and addAll is required to set the Pair <Tk,Tv>