
GWT CellList Render Done Handler?

I use the GWT CellList widget to render Cell elements.

Is there a way to register a render complete or render done event to execute stuff after rendering was done?


  • I had the same question and taking a look into the code I have found a possible solution.

    In the HasDataPresenter there are the code which renders the cells into the view (method resolvePendingState(JsArrayInteger modifiedRows):

    if (redrawRequired) {
            // Redraw the entire content.
            SafeHtmlBuilder sb = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
            view.replaceAllChildren(newState.rowData, selectionModel, newState.keyboardStealFocus);
          } else if (range0 != null) {
            // Surgically replace specific rows.
            // Replace range0.
              int absStart = range0.getStart();
              int relStart = absStart - pageStart;
              SafeHtmlBuilder sb = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
              List<T> replaceValues = newState.rowData.subList(relStart, relStart + range0.getLength());
              view.replaceChildren(replaceValues, relStart, selectionModel, newState.keyboardStealFocus);
            // Replace range1 if it exists.
            if (range1 != null) {
              int absStart = range1.getStart();
              int relStart = absStart - pageStart;
              SafeHtmlBuilder sb = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
              List<T> replaceValues = newState.rowData.subList(relStart, relStart + range1.getLength());
              view.replaceChildren(replaceValues, relStart, selectionModel, newState.keyboardStealFocus);

    The method view.replaceAllChildren(....) calls to render cell's render method, and when it has finished a ValueChangeEvent() is fired.

    public void replaceAllChildren(....) {
      SafeHtml html = renderRowValues(...);

    So in your cellList you should do something like:

       cellList.addHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<List<IPost>>() {
            public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<List<IPost>> event) {
              //Do something
              //Be careful because this handler could be called from other methods
          }, ValueChangeEvent.getType());