
Removing YOURLS branding from stat page

First off, here is my url:

So, basically, everything is going well. I have a completely custom homepage, with anti-spam and all that. Then a results page, with all sorts of special stuff. But, I want to customise the stats page.

I have worked out how to customise the admin pages. It's in includes/function-html.php. But if you customise the menus in there, they do not carry over to stats page.

Any ideas on where I can customise the stats page?


  • What I understand from the question is, you need this -

    Create the menu in a separate PHP file and include that wherever you need the menu. Assuming your menu is in menu.php

    In both includes/function-html.php and stats.php (assumption), wherever you need the menu, do something as follows.

    //include menu here
    include 'path/to/your/menu.php';

    By doing this, you can customize menu.php and it will reflect everywhere you have included it.

    NOTE - Let me know in comments if that's not what you are looking for.