I am trying to use coursera-dl in windows to download coursera videos. I have installed coursera-dl in C:\Python34\Scripts but when i try do
coursera-dl -u xxx@live.com -p yyyy gamification-003
i am getting the below error:
importerror: no module named '_version'
Please help.
Your issue is, the Code is not able to find the file "_version".
I would suggest you go to coursera_dl github page -> https://github.com/dgorissen/coursera-dl
Download zip from the link which can be found on the right side of the page.
in the zip file you will be able to find a folder by the name of "courseradownloader".
Extracts all the files in this folder into yout C:\Python34\Scripts folder.
It will work like a charm.
PS: I would suggest you use .netrc file to store Username and password.