
How can I set index_settings for Elasticsearch in elasticsearch-jdbc-river?

I'm trying to configure the index settings using elasticsearch-jdbc-river.

So far this is what I do :

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_river/my_river/_meta?pretty=true --data @index.json

and this is my json file :

  "sql":"* from OFFERS"

The command works but it doesn't seem to be building the index. I've tried to build it before without the index_settings and restarting the elasticsearch server, it seems to build fine.

Can anyone help me understand what went wrong?


  • I have solved my problem by creating my index beforehand with the settings and then adding the river.

    At this point the index_settings in the river will be ignored since the index has already been created.

    Then I restarted Elasticsearch.

    PS: Not tested with Elasticsearch 2.x. +