
Unit testing/continuous integration with Simulink/Stateflow

How can I perform unit testing in Simulink, or preferably, Stateflow?

I'm a fan of agile software methods, including test driven development. I'm responsible for the development of safety critical control software and we're using Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow for the development of it. This toolset is selected because of the link with plant (hardware) models. (model-in-the-loop, hardware-in-the-loop)

I have found some links on Stackoverflow: Unit-testing framework for MATLAB: xunit, slunit and doctest.


  • EDIT: This is now much easier and getting easier all the time with the Jenkins plugin for MATLAB


    As Craig mentioned there is indeed a framework in MATLAB introduced in R2013a. Furthermore, this framework added a TAPPlugin in R2014a which outputs the Test Anything Protocal. Using that protocol you can set up your CI build with a TAPPlugin (eg. Jenkins, TeamCity) so that the CI system can fail the build if the tests fail.

    Your CI build may look like a shell command to start MATLAB and run all your tests:

    /your/path/to/matlab/bin/matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -nodesktop -r "runAllMyTests"

    Then the runAllMyTests creates the suite to run and runs it with the tap output being redirected to a file. You'll need to tweak specifics here, but perhaps this can help you get started:

    function runAllMyTests
    import matlab.unittest.TestSuite;
    import matlab.unittest.TestRunner;
    import matlab.unittest.plugins.TAPPlugin;
    import matlab.unittest.plugins.ToFile;
        % Create the suite and runner
        suite = TestSuite.fromPackage('packageThatContainsTests', 'IncludingSubpackages', true);
        runner = TestRunner.withTextOutput;
        % Add the TAPPlugin directed to a file in the Jenkins workspace
        tapFile = fullfile(getenv('WORKSPACE'), 'testResults.tap');
    catch e;
    exit force;

    EDIT: I used this topic as the first two posts of a new developer oriented blog launched this year